Manga and Anime Festival

Welcome to the first manga and anime festival in Catalan of the Balearic Islands.

Every Wed from 5 April 2023 until 15 April 2023, from 18:00
Where: Ibiza Town (Eivissa)

FeMA, the first Manga and Anime Festival in Catalan in the Balearic Islands, is an initiative to promote the use of the Catalan language through anime and manga comics.

This is the first festival of its kind to be organised in all the Balearic Islands. In Ibiza, the festival will take place between the 5 and 15 of April.

The programme on the different islands include introductory workshops on manga and kanji, talks with anime and manga experts, karaokes, costume contests and more.

In Ibiza in particular, the schedule of activities is the following:

  • Wednesday 5 April - 18:00 h: Screening of the film "Evangelion 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time" at the Teatro España, Santa Eulalia. 3 €
  • Wednesday 12 April - 18:00 h: Screening of the film "Blue Thermal" at the Teatro España, Santa Eulalia. 3 €
  • Saturday 15 April - 17:00 to 21:00 h at the C19 youth centre: Manga comics fair, manga workshop with Paco García, AnimeJAM, video games area, karaoke area, workshop area. At 19:00 h, there will be a colloquium on the translation of manga into Catalan with the translator Agnès Perez. All activities are free.

Get into the fantastic world of manga and anime!