Contes de Tardor - Storytelling in Spanish and Catalan

Enjoy children and adult storytelling in different locations in the municipality of Santa Eulalia.

Every Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 13 October 2022 until 25 November 2022, from 17:00
Where: Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

The City Council of Santa Eulalia presents its new season of the 'Contes de Tardor' (autumn stories), which takes place between the 13 October and the 25 November in different locations of the municipality, such as the public libraries of Santa Eulalia, San Carlos and Santa Gertrudis as well as the Cultural Centres of Puig d'en Valls and Jesús.

In total, a dozen of sessions for children, plus a specific one for adults, which invites them to travel to other worlds thanks to their imagination. As always, all sessions are free and will start at 17:00 h, except the one for adults, which will begin at 20:00 h. All stories are in Catalan or Spanish.

The full programme is:

Santa Eulalia public library

  • Thursday 13 October: 'Sonrisas y el Titirimundo', by Sonrisas Mágicas.
  • Thursday 27 October: 'Nina la cuinera', by Anakrònica.
  • Thursday 10 November: 'El retorn del Senyor dels Contes', by Myotragus Teatre.
  • Thursday 24 November: 'De Cenicientos y otros cuentos de la tradición oral', by Maritza Tejecuentos.
  • Thursday 27 October: 'Contes per pensar i altres històries', by Anakrónica.

Cultural Centre of Puig d'en Valls

  • Monday 17 October: 'Sonrisas y el Titirimundo', by Sonrisas Mágicas.
  • Monday 14 November: 'El retorn del Senyor dels Contes', by Myotragus Teatre.

San Carlos school library

  • Wednesday 19 October: 'A journey of tales from the oral tradition', by Maritza Tejecuentos.
  • Wednesday 9 November: 'El retorn del Senyor dels Contes', by Myotragus Teatre.

Cultural Centre of Jesús

  • Friday 21 October: 'Yoav & Ahmed: Una amistat més enllà dels murs', by David i Monma.
  • Friday 25 November: 'Myths and legends of Japan with kamishibai', by Wabizasui.

Santa Gertrudis school library

  • Tuesday 25 October: 'Tales with the Teatrito Rojo de la abuela Mila', by Milagros Pierna.
  • Tuesday 15 November: 'El retorn del Senyor dels Contes', by Myotragus Teatre.