Ibiza Spotlight's Season Highlights 2012

DOWNLOADABLE MAGAZINE - A look back at the 2012 season through our content.

In a season of best's (ENTER?), first's (Ibiza 123) and moments you're unlikely to forget until they're replaced with better ones next year, you would think it would be difficult to pull together a selection of highlight's fit for your enjoyment without spending the entire winter arguing amongst ourselves over what makes the cut.

Well, you're partly right, and all opinions considered, we think we've got 75 pages filled with some of the best clubbing content we've ever published.

So, whether you enjoyed the Ranting Raver's return, our podcasts, or one of our many reviews and interviews, you'll find that by clicking the links below you'll be taken back to the best that the 2012 clubbing season in Ibiza had to offer. Enjoy.


This link will open a new window and start to download the magazine to your computer (file size: 11.5MB)

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