Photo Review: Deepflight Opening 2012 ft Sister Sledge

Deepflight brings us Sister Sledge. Thanks a lot!.

San Antonio's newest and arguably best venue opened only a short while ago now, bringing with it a very pleasant offering of otherwise none existant day-time to evening parties for the San An massive. Being the receptive bunch they are, the venue has gone down extremely well, the idea is sound, and the venue is beautiful. In fact, never has the view from that side of the bay been so nice, or at least I've never stopped for long enough to particularly notice. I suspect the large crowd on the promenade taking a very cheeky peek over the glass wall over the Ocean Beach Club grounds were wondering what was going on. Is someone playing a Sister Sledge compilation CD? But no, my friends, Sister Sledge ACTUALLY PLAYED. So with Chic the other week at Ibiza 123 festival, and now the sisters the other side of the bay. Suddenly the music scene in San An just got considerably cooler.

All the favourites were played, 'Greatest Dancer'. 'Lost In Music', 'We Are Family' and 'Good Times' - all absolute tunes! The kind that just make you grin wildly, you know, where you grin so much and you catch someones eye and they think you're a little weird? That kinda grin, but really really good. It was really cool to see some musical legends take to a relatively small stage, with their family in tow, and still sound as great as they do on the various funk/soul/disco related CDs I have. Seriously good times as I was totally lost in the music (sorry, couldn't help myself).

All this of course, on top of the mighty Tom Novy, rounding off a pretty cool lineup from a cool new venue that is sure to bring plenty of attention back towards San Antonio. Line ups look very interesting with Oliver Koletzki feat. Fran headlining next week - let's get hypnotized!

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