Filthy 1st Birthday at Meganite this Wednesday

Picotto and San An workers celebrate their joyful union in Privilege.

Picotto and San An workers celebrate their joyful union in Privilege.

Currently Wednesday's Meganite is the best of macro-disco Privilege's bunch. Italian tech-trancer Mauro Picotto was undaunted at the prospect of putting on a night at the world's biggest club and is currently the most consistent performer on the roster.

This Wednesday he has invited Misstress Barbara and Christian Smith to join him in the main room, while out the back Filthy Gorgeous bring the noise to the Coco Loco.

Click here for more line ups and tickets

Jamie GittinsThe music policy there is "dirty house, electro, breaks, a kind of punk rock influence with a few odd surprises chucked in. Just general filth," explains promoter and resident dj Jamie Gittins (right).

The messy electicism meshes well with the big room rave next door. But FG's elevation to this high profile gig was not a result of a cunning plan. As Jamie explains, it just fell in their lap.

Meganite & Filthy Gorgeous @ Privilege - June 21, 2006

Meganite & Filthy Gorgeous @ Privilege - June 21, 2006

"I'd played for Privilege a couple of times last year after giving a CD to Ulli who was the promotions manager. I was playing on the Privilege World Tour this winter but I'd never met Manuel [Lopez] the manager.

Meganite & Filthy Gorgeous @ Privilege - June 21, 2006"It turns out they were looking for a new worker-focussed night to go in the back room. Apparently out name came up and Ulli gave it a real push. I was sat on my computer one night and a message comes up on Skype 'Hi I'm Manuel I'm the manager of Privilege I want to talk to you about bringing FG to the back room.' I nearly fell of my chair."

However when Spotlight met up with Jamie at his other work place, the Orange Corner in the resurgent resort of San Antonio, the normally upbeat Englishman was feeling a little deflated. As predicted on this website, England had just been knocked out of a major football competition. On penalties. Again.

Meganite & Filthy Gorgeous @ Privilege - June 21, 2006"I'm gutted. That was the best we've played in this tournament," he commented ruefully. "Before the game I would have said we hadn't a chance but I thought as a team we played reasonably well and we matched them. I walked to work and normally it's 'Waheeeyyy' but this time was just so quiet. It is just a game but it doesn't feel like that at the time. But I'm sure everybody will get over it."

He was of course correct. No hooliganism was reported that night, even in St George Cross-festooned West End of San An.

And by the time FG's first birthday celebrations begin at Kanya Beach at 2pm this Wednesday, the loss will be a distant memory for most holidaymakers. For those still smarting the jelly and icecream should ease the pain.

Meganite & Filthy Gorgeous @ Privilege - June 21, 2006

Meganite & Filthy Gorgeous @ Privilege - June 21, 2006

"That's gonna be at Kanya in the daytime. From two till eight at Kanya, eight till midnight here at Orange Corner (below) then our room at the club normally opens at one o'clock."

Orange Corner - July 2006

Spotlight: And who'll be there?

Filthy Jamie Gittins: I've been working in Ibiza since '99, my partner Scott Martin's been here since 2002 so we knew the core sort of workers anyway. Last year in Hush we aimed it as a worker party so basically anybody we saw that was working we stuck a sticker on 'em saying 'I am Filthy' or 'I am Gorgeous'. We're really happy that all those workers have followed us to Privilege. There's three buses that go to Privilege, and we've made sure that all workers can get in free, and there's deals on drinks they can buy. They can pay ten euros on the door and they can get two drinks, so that's pretty much half price. The workers have been the ones that have helped us get his far and we wanna keep it that way. With them it's always the best atmosphere.

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