Space 27th Anniversary - Space

At Space. A celebration not to be missed...

27 is an age made famous by the handful of iconic talents and artists who were taken from us too soon, and with Space set to join the pack, that includes Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse and Jim Morrison, we´re in for one very special birthday bash.

It all began with Pepe Roselló´s vision in 1989, during the ´Second Summer of Love´, the year that Ibiza as we know it was being born, and the year that dance music culture had its grip on youths worldwide. It was here that clubbers first famously raised their arms to cheer on the arriving aircraft that used to roar above their heads on the famous terrace - moments held close to the hearts of clubbers who were there to witness the magic.

This year it leaves us as a global treasure, famous for being the world’s most awarded club to date and known for its unbeatable atmosphere, stellar sound and spectacular production. But, not before we get our chance to dance within its walls to say goodbye, and its 27th anniversary on Sunday 24 July 2016 will be one of the biggest dates to do so.

Landing behind the booth for the biggie is a throng of Ibiza legends and global names. On the big list we have Technasia, Camilo Franco, Jason Bye and Andy Baxter B2B, Ernesto Altes, Richy Ahmed and waFF B2B, David Moreno, Ramon Castells and Chris44, among more.

Venue: Space

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