Silu joined the company in 2024. She is responsible for club ticket admin, the party calendar, the events calendar and customer enquiries. Hang on... that sounds like a lot - I think she needs to speak to management!!
Silu hails from Argentina and has a wonderful, warm personality for which they are famous. If you need help with your ticket purchases, you will find a sympathetic ear in Silu and a very competent manner. As a native Spanish speaker with completely fluent English, Silu is a fantastic addition to our team.
Will wrote the introductory sentence to the very first online version of Spotlight - "If it's nightlife you're after, you've come to the right place". We instantly loved it. Since then he's been travelling the world, most notably with long stays in Thailand.
He rejoined the team as a writer and has been out and about reviewing restaurants, activities, checking up on beach and resort facts, and generally making sure the information you read is as up to date as possible. Will is a keen winter swimmer and a demon cards player.
Pete has been with us so long we can't actually remember exactly when he started! He comes from a computer animation background, and originally worked as a website designer. Since then he's become a programmer, an SEO expert and a social media guru.
However, he's happiest when behind the lens, shooting incredible photos and videos which help make the site really shine. Just a quick look at our restaurant section will make your mouth water!
Reece is our front end (and reluctant back end) tech guru. Whether it be messing around with apple certificates, burrowing into Drupal's arcane code base or improving the user experience across the entire site, he is never happier than when coding. Although based in the UK, Reece is out in Ibiza more and more often for "remote work", at least that's what he tells his wife.
Reece's claim to Ibiza fame is that he used to play guitar and busk at the Ibiza Rocks hotel.
Steve is our resident clubbing guru and head writer. If he doesn't know about it, it not's gonna happen - he literally has his finger on every pulse and is in more WhatsApp groups than is healthy for him.
Steve has the incredible ability to be able to go out all night and still deliver excellent written content on time, the very next morning - it's almost a superpower. If you catch him out and about, he loves "hierbas con hielo".
Lissy joined the team in 2022 and has brought amazing energy and enthusiasm to Ibiza Spotlight. She is everywhere - every disco, every bar, every secret villa party - we are quite frankly amazed at (and a bit jealous of) the contacts she's made after only a few summers on the island.
Many of the glowing articles you read about the club scene are written by her, and she has also turned us into TikTokers - yep, you read that right, Ibiza Spotlight has its own TikTok channel, which Lissy started, which now boasts millions of views. Apparently, you can teach an old team new tricks!
Hayley's favourite part of living on Ibiza is the free way of life, creativity, spirituality and community. She's definitely brought this creativity to Spotlight, running the clubbing social media channels and writing some beautiful articles.
She's quite a character - it's not often you find someone who teaches yoga and who is also so enthusiastic about the club scene here - she says she loves the music and the energy - we think she just loves to dance!
If you've had any dealings at all with Spotlight, you'll know our deputy director Kt (pronounced Katy). She's been with us for 20 years and runs the entire commercial side of the business like a Swiss watch, always making sure we under-promise and over-deliver!
She speaks fluent English, German and Spanish and, when not working, can be found lovingly tending her garden - her homemade marmalade is legendary; or feeding her chickens.
James is co-owner of Spotlight and was one of the founders of back in 1999. His claim to fame is inventing the party calendar - since then, to be honest, we're not really sure what he does. Although since getting his full Spanish nationality, he spends a lot of time practicing his paella skills!
Seriously though... James has a hand in almost everything: SEO, tickets, tech, annoying the staff - you name it, he's at it!
Juan Martin is the face of Spotlight out on the street. Since joining the company, he has helped raise our on-island profile enormously. He has an incredible energy and is never happier than when out and about visiting clients, making them feel loved and special. Don't ask him to do admin though!
If you are lucky enough, you might get invited to one of his special "asados" - he truly is a grill master.
Tim is the other co-owner of Spotlight, joining in 2019, just in time for the pandemic... but when the going gets tough, the tough get going! You'll find Tim out and about most days making sure our editorial content is correct, that our restaurants remain highly recommended and that the team behaves themselves, unless of course he is misbehaving himself.
To prepare for the gruelling Summer restaurant review programme, he spends his winter hiking, regularly completing 30 km walks!
Maria loves colours, the sea and people with positive energy - something of which she herself has loads! She says of herself she can be too much of a perfectionist; we don't think so - we just love the way she is so competent at every task she's given; whether that be content, ecommerce backend-management, all types of Google advertising and marketing software or simply lending a hand where it's most needed.
She now looks after our social media presence - and we don't think it has ever looked so good!
Steffi has been with Spotlight nearly as long as James, which is unsurprising, considering they are married. As well as being the keeper of all the company's darkest secrets, Steffi makes sure the content is up to date with all the latest info - and in all 4 languages. When we started Spotlight, she did all of that herself! Luckily we have a team of freelance translators to help nowadays.
In the winter Steffi likes nothing better than touring Spain in the campervan with the dogs (oh, and James of course).