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Celebrate life at the Ibiza Carnival 2022

Time to reclaim the streets once more.

Before we all settle into a period of fasting for Lent, we have one more chance to store up some excess fat as carnival time comes around once again. Life will return to the streets of Ibiza in a loud and colourful explosion of freedom and joy. School kids, dance schools, community groups and crazy individuals let their imaginations run wild to create one of the island’s most fun days of the year.

After a fallow year in 2021, Ibiza Town is making up for lost time by staging a programme of events lasting over 6 days, including the public holiday, Balearic Islands Day on 1 March. You can see the full itinerary in our Events Calendar. The main parade sets off through the principal streets of the city at 11:30 on Sunday 27 February and arrives at Paseo de Vara De Rey for the grand finale and to award those all-important prizes.

Every year is a magical spectacle to behold and a testament to the creativity of the people of Ibiza. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and it will be wonderful to see the streets full of cheering spectators as the floats pass by.

Santa Eulalia will host their version of the parade on Tuesday 1 March at 17:00, while San Antonio’s cavalcade will take place the following weekend on Saturday 5 March at 16:30.

Let’s all get out there and join the fun in the warm spring sunshine.

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