Kevin & Perry are back with 2 dates in 2021

You know you want it... Let's go large!.

To make up for not being able to hold this year's event, Kevin & Perry promise to be back in 2021 for two completely special and amazingly large parties on June 1 and September 6 2021.

Expect proper raving - glo sticks, lasers, strobes and trance anthems - in the place where a lot of it was filmed... the legendary Amnesia, Ibiza.

You can pick between two tickets - one includes a special screening of the film at 10pm before you go in to start partying at midnight. Or you can just buy the party ticket. Real fans will want to watch the film, don't you think?

The team behind this event have released the following statement. Well said!

Over the last few COVID affected months we have been working with Amnesia Ibiza closely and have explored every single possibility you can imagine to make the show in September happen. We have given the situation as much time as possible but the restrictions regarding nightclub environments simply do not allow for shows of this type togo ahead. Our priority hasto be to protect thehealth and safety of you guys and at present we just can't guarantee that.

Kevin & Perry will go to the Ibiza ball!

We have made the decision to postpone the event exactly 12 months and are moving the show date to the 6th September 2021. Also, due to the enormous popularity of Kevin & Perry, and to make it easier for you guys to attend if you can't make it in September next year, we have also agreed a SECOND Kevin & Perry show with Amnesia. This show will take place earlier in the summer season, on the 1st June 2021, which also leads off of the Bank Holiday weekend in the United Kingdom.


If you've bought tickets from Spotlight for this year's event. You can still cancel and refund them from My Orders, or you can just leave them, knowing they are still valid for either of next year's events!

The Kevin & Perry Experience listings - 2025


The Kevin & Perry Experience

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