SuperMartXé makes a spectacular return to Privilege

The one-of-a-kind show takes Ibiza by storm.

Rooted in the history of Ibiza, Privilege will always be recognised as the epitome of hedonism and party pleasure. From its Manumission years to now, the club has thrown some of the most risqué parties. It continues to do so with its now ten-year-old party SuperMartXé. Here's the opening.

Known for its flamboyance, SuperMartXé proudly holds the title as one of Ibiza's wildest parties. Not knowing what to expect, I made my way down to Privilege for what was going to be one hell of an opening party. I was not disappointed!

Inside the club room, SuperMartXé took production and scale to the extreme. Transformed into some sort of China Town, the room was covered in LED screening, Chinese decor and a mammoth stage covered by dancers wearing what I can only describe as x-rated costumes.

Dotted throughout the nightclub were a team of performers and as it seemed, SuperMartXé had spent a lot of time making sure everything was picture perfect, one detail at a time.

One thing I was immediately sure about was that I would be entertained to the limit. Dancers, live performers, DJs and an impressive LED lights shows were all in the running order and I honestly didn't know where to start.

The DJ booth had shifted to make way for live performance and was in the middle of the dance floor offering a full 360-degree dance space around the DJ. The boiler room style staging followed by huge production made for an interesting mix, combining intimacy and extravagance.

Juanjo Martin was the DJ of the moment when I arrived. Easing the crowd into the madness, he played some easy house tunes such as Waze and Odyssey's Down With Tha.

Shortly after came a live performance from the Spanish singer Nalaya. Her performance was fiery and well fitting to the night. With strong vocals and amazing stage presence, Nalaya proved her right to be there and slotted perfectly into the night's antics.

Show Me Love by Robin S was one of her performed tracks. Check it out.

Next up was David Tort. As he opened up with Fisher's You Little Beauty, confetti rained over the crowd and the dancers were swapped off for some racier replacements. Chinese dragons and dancers on stilts added to the party's wild style.

2ManyDJs AKA Soulwax were on by 03:45. Their set was eventful, to say the least. Dragging us to some heavy techno depths before pushing acid-electro sounds and even EDM, the duo certainly wasn't shy and their variety was like nothing I'd seen before.

Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic, Green Velvet's Laser Beams and Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood were just some examples from their set. For a night which screams diversity, why should the music be the same?

Last up was London-born artist Weiss. Bringing back the house vibes he calmed things down a little by this point. I was ready for some sanity. His go-to track Feel My Needs was music to my ears and perfectly encapsulated those sought-after Ibiza vibes. What a night.

SuperMartXé continues right as we left it. Flamboyant and wild. Want to get in on the fun? Check down below for more information on line ups and tickets!

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