Kites flying high in Ibiza sky

Shooting for the heavens.

Each year San Antonio has its kite flying day and this year's event, now at its 23rd edition will be taking place on 29 January right near to Café del Mar on the Sunset Strip in the spot called Ses Variades.

Called Posa en Estel al Ciel or place a star in the sky and starting at 11am, the event will see the skies blooming with a multitude of airborne craft, some hand made and some professionally-made – all flown with love and pride.

The event is a big part of the San Antonio festival calendar and is eagerly awaited by all. Kids love it and so do adults – it's definitely something everyone can get involved in. If you're not sure where to go, top tip: look for the kite signal in the sky, then head for the Strip and join in.

San Antonio council is putting on two related events around kite flying day. The first of these is an exhibition from 21-29 January called Kites of the World (Cometas del Mundo), will take a look at kites from far flung places and takes place at Espai Jove on Calle Ramon y Cajal on the ground floor.

If you really want to get into the sprit of the kite flying day, there's a kite-making workshop all week from 6pm in the big tent on Paseo de ses Fonts from 23-27 January. Everyone is invited to come along and create a special and unique kite to fly high on the big day at the end of he month.

There's plenty to get involved in and the day itself is a great way to enjoy the island. Take your kite and your camera.

WORDS: Julian Heathcote

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