Ibiza Archaeology: Sa Capelleta

It's not without good reason that the Sa Capelleta district of Ibiza Town.

It's not without good reason that the Sa Capelleta district of Ibiza Town has streets called the Via Romana and Via Punica. The whole area is full of ancient remains of past civilisations who inhabited Ibiza. It seems that every time excavations are started for a new building, valuable archaeological sites are discovered.

archaelogical site in the via punica, ibiza

Normally, experts flood into the area, extract as much information as possible and then the new building is completed. However, in the case of a site in Carrer Capelleta (near the University of Ibiza) a new Centre of Interpretation is to be constructed which will allow the public to view the archaeological remains.

A platform will be constructed over the site which has relics of the Roman, Carthaginian (Punic) and Islamic periods in Ibiza's history and will cost a cool €280,000 and later, the whole area will be 'museumised' – just like Dalt Vila – for €170,000.

With a bit of luck, it should all be finished in time for the holiday season.

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