Ibiza Audio Guides

If you've ever fancied wandering around Ibiza town with a beautiful woman whispering in your ear.

If you've ever fancied wandering around Ibiza town with a beautiful woman whispering in your ear then read on.

Ibiza town council has just introduced audio-guided tours of its World Heritage City sites – you stroll about with an i-pod type device and some ear phones whilst actress Paz Vega or journalist Concha García Campoy explain the history of Ibiza.

Paz and Concha

The Mayoress of Ibiza, Lurdes Costa and Ms García Campoy officially unveiled the scheme last week which is free until Christmas when a charge will be introduced.

Anyone wishing to take the tour should take their passport or national identity card as security for the equipment to the tourist information offices in the Vara de Rey or the Casa de la Curia just by the cathedral.

The guides are available in different languages (English, Spanish, Catalan, French, German and Italian) with Paz Vega doing the Spanish and English versions and Concha García Campoy the Catalan.

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