Ibiza Gasoduct - Work in Progress

The much talked about pipeline bringing natural gas to Ibiza.

The much talked about pipeline bringing natural gas to Ibiza from the mainland is now becoming a reality. Four years ago we predicted that the project would be completed in 2007 and, surprise, surprise, it wasn't!

Progress has, however, been made. The rocky area of coastline just beyond Cala Gracionetta in San Antonio is now a hive of activity, even on a Sunday.

A big German specialist tunnelling contractor, Herrenknecht, has been brought in to do the work and the area is bristling with heavy machinery and equipment and now boasts a hole in the ground where the pipeline from Oliva, near Valencia, will emerge.

Currently, as Ibiza doesn't have a supply of 'town gas,' all our supplies for heating and cooking come in the not exactly convenient form of a big, heavy orange cannister. The Government obviously believes that the convenience and reduced cost of piped gas will be worth all the effort of this multi-million Euro investment.