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Giant Erection

The last couple of weeks have seen the skies of Ibiza dominated by a giant advertising sign

The last couple of weeks have seen the skies of Ibiza dominated by a giant advertising sign erected by a new bathroom accessory shop.

Motorists driving into Ibiza couldn't fail to notice the gigantic PORCELANOSA advertising hoarding measuring 45 square metres (bigger than some apartments here) which at 13 metres high blotted out the view of Dalt Vila which is normally seen at this point near the Hiper Centro. Since its erection the hoarding had attracted only complaints about its size, and not a single word of commendation for its style and design!

Finally San Antonio's Mayor got in on the act with an official sanction and Porcelanosa took the sign down so now we can all see just where we're going as we drive into town.

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