Techno Party

No, not a new political organisation, but an illegal gathering at the weekend in the Jondal area near Cova Santa...

No, not a new political organisation, but an illegal gathering at the weekend in the Jondal area near Cova Santa. Local police and Guardia Civil were called in by concerned neighbours who were affected by the noise and inconvenience of having at least 800 people doing whatever it is they do a these techno affairs.

Apparently, the music from the party, held in the pine wood of a house in the area, could be heard from several kilometres away, and worse still, there were cars parked and creating traffic jams for over 2 kilometres down the lane. The forces of law and order moved in to prevent further visitors to the party from using the road, confiscated small amounts of drugs from people heading in that direction, and arrested somebody for driving a stolen moped.

A police spokesman said that the party was totally illegal and permission hadn't been sought from the proper authorities. He added that this year, more than ever before, the police are being called out to these unlawful fiestas. Perhaps this increase in private parties is a reaction to the ridiculous prices charged in and by the commercial clubs on the island?