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Street Party - Queen´s Jubilee

The day begins with a special Queen´s Jubilee service at Capilla de Lourdes, (main street Sta Eulalia No.85). This will be followed by the Street Party - a "Bring & Share Lunch" held at "S´Hort de Can Masia", Sarah Milburn´s House, near Sta Eulalia. Ring Sarah on 971 33 98 35 if you would like to come.

Sun 10 Jun, 2012
From: 11:00

Where: Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

The day begins with a special Queen´s Jubilee service at Capilla de Lourdes, (main street Sta Eulalia No.85). This will be followed by the Street Party - a "Bring & Share Lunch" held at "S´Hort de Can Masia", Sarah Milburn´s House, near Sta Eulalia. Ring Sarah on 971 33 98 35 if you would like to come.

Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

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