Art exhitibition in El Naranjo, Santa Eulalia

Charlotte Mensforth presents her art exhibition to protect horses.

Every Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat from 7 June 2019 until 30 August 2019, from 19:30
Where: El Naranjo, Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

El Naranjo, a beautiful restaurant located on the village of Santa Eulalia, presents a painting exhibition from Friday 7 June until Friday 30 August 2019, everyday from 19:30.

The exhibition is called "COLORES DE IBIZA" (colours of Ibiza) and is created by the the artist Charlotte Mensforth. It presents a collection of oil paints from the countryside landscapes of the island as well as a series of drawings of horses.

The profits of the exhibition will go to the Brooke foundation in order to care and protect the horses, mules and donkeys.

For more information, have a look at the article published in the newspaper here (in Spanish).

El Naranjo