Collective art exhibition @Ocean Drive Talamanca

A glimpse into traditional Ibizan mythology at the OD Art Awards.

Every day from 29 September 2023 until 13 October 2023, from 19:30
Where: Ocean Drive Talamanca, Talamanca, Ibiza

The Ocean Drive Talamanca hotel is hosting the collective art exhibition for the OD Art Awards, which are given by the OD Group in recognition of the best contemporary artists in Ibiza.

This year the inspiration for the works are the 'rondaies evissenques', traditional tales from the island, short popular narratives passed down from generation to generation that include endearing characters such as 'fameliars', 'barruguets', 'crespells', 'follets' and more.

The vernissage will be held on Friday 29 September at 19:30 h and the exhibition will be available until 13 October. The prize-giving ceremony will be held on 10 of October at 19:30 h.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore this outstanding exhibition showcasing the island's top artistic talents.

Ocean Drive Talamanca