NEWS: Christmas comes to Santa Eulalia

Lots to do.

Christmas officially begins in Santa Eulalia today with the lighting of the Christmas illuminations in Plaza de España at 6pm. This will be followed by a concert with the Municipal Youth Band and students of the Santa Eulalia School of Music. After, there will be hot chocolate available to all.

Then for some Christmas cheer on Monday 14 December in the same place there will be carol singing every day at 6pm till Thursday. The singers are all students from schools in Santa Eulalia, Santa Gertrudis, San Ciriaco and Vénda d'Arabí. As a complement to this the School of Music will be putting on a Christmas concert at the Teatro España at 6pm. They'll then be taking the concert to the streets the following day from midday, starting in Plaza de España.

There's going to be lots of theatre and this will be kicked off by the annual performance from children of the Morna International College who will be putting on a show called Angels Squadron, a modern take on a nativity play in English at the Palacio de Congresos on 16 and 17 December.

There will also be a Christmas market in Plaza Isidor Macabich on 12 and 13 December with children's activities and live music, plus there will be carols sung by the Cala Llonga singers.

Also to celebrate Christmas, there will be an exhibition of glazed ceramics, called MarAmar by the artists Mar Alsonso at the Centro Cultural in Jesús from the 4-21 December each day from 4pm - 8.30pm. Then at the Sala de Exposiciones in Santa Eulalia will be an exhibition of paintings entitled In Memoriam by artist Angela Castañón.

There promises to be something that all can take part in and watch from music, art and the more traditional Ibiza Christmas magic.

WORDS: Julian Heathcote

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