Pacha 67 Sailboat + Pacha Afterparty on sale

Cast off with Pacha on their traditional sailboat and have one of three Pacha parties for afters.

You may have seen this boat in Pacha adverts or in beautiful bays around the island, but most likely you have never set food on board. The Pacha 67 Sailboat is a beautiful Turkish Schooner that - as the name suggest - sails to proper itself through the water. Unlike the modern boat party equivalents which are plastic and metal made small ferries, the Pacha sailboat is of wooden construction and looks absolutely stunning.

By the very nature of the boat, the sails and the smaller size lends itself to more of a rocking motion than the modern catamaran designs but you come away with a more authentic boat, and sailing, experience.

Every Tuesday from the 3rd June until 23rd September, the Pacha sailboat will leave the Ibiza Town marina for a seven hour cruise from 12:30pm until 7:30pm. During the trip you will get the chance to see the famous Illetas beach of Formentera and also the opportunity to go swimming and snorkelling in the beautiful waters surrounding the island.

One of the best features of this boat party is that you get the benefit of choosing from one of three afterparties. Even though the boat sails on Tuesdays, you have the choice of having either Flower Power (Pacha Tuesdays), Steve Aoki's Playhouse (Pacha Wednesdays) or David Guetta's F*** Me I'm Famous (Pacha Thursdays) as the afterparty. You must decide which you would like to attend at the time of booking, just make sure you select the correct corresponding ticket type when buying.

Tickets are priced at 130€, including boat and afterparty and are expected to sellout. The girls in the red bikini's do not come as standard however.

Important information:

• Your ticket includes the boat party, free entry to Pacha on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night (night has to be chosen at time of booking, entry always strictly before 1am) and a Pacha goodie bag containing triple CD, poster and magazine.

• The boat leaves the port of Ibiza town at 12:30pm. You need to be at the meeting point at 12noon, with your printed ticket and ready to board. The meeting point is in front of the Pacha Shop in the port of Ibiza town (see map below). The sailboat returns to Ibiza town at 7:30pm.

• In case of cancellation of the boat caused by adverse weather conditions, you will be refunded 50€. The ticket to the club night at Pacha will still be valid.

• If you miss the boat, the entry to the night at Pacha is still valid. Your name will be on the Pacha Sailboat guestlist for the night you've chosen. Entry strictly before 1am.

• The 'Pacha 67' is a sail boat and because of its make it may sway more than other party boats.

Taking you back to 2011 here, but the boat remains much the same.

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