I'm a Complete Pervert

Hed Kandi hed honcho Mark Doyle tells us how their opening party at El Divino was for him

Slick packaging is not a guaranteed method of wooing fickle consumers to your brand, but so far it's working pretty well for the London-based Hed Kandi.

Jason Brookes' famous artwork - featuring skinny girls with big eyes in various states of undress - adorns all the releases of a compilation series that can be found in bedrooms and on bootleggers stalls world wide. Obviously Hed Kandi's about more than pretty pictures tho, it's also about the pretty girls and boys that attend Hed Kandi events in their thousands.

Label boss and dj Mark Doyle has even put some of them on the payroll - a dozen PR staff have been hired so Mr Doyle didn't have to run around "like a headless chicken" at their busy opening party last Saturday. Now he can hire other people to get stressed for him.

Mark, who describes himself as a "complete pervert", has particularly enjoyed auditioning the dancers.

"Can you do a handstand in a bikini?" was one of the questions asked of aspiring entertainers. The theme alternates every week from Disco Heaven to Twisted Disco.

"The colours will be pale blues and pinks, and girls with angel wings. This Saturday it's black leather. I know which one I prefer - I'm going to hell."

Mark says they've spent 60,000€ on décor, half of which arrived in an articulated lorry which rolled up outside El Divino last weekend. The other half is in boats coming from Japan and Israel.

A regular Ibiza Spotlight reader, Mark has taken on board criticisms about cheap tickets distributed to cheap people who were then bussed over from San Antonio.

"We've already noticed a better quality of people at our opening," he told us today. We can concur, and we'd also like to add that the atmosphere was amazing. If funky house is your bag then there's enough down at Hed Kandi to stuff it full and still have loads left over at eight in the morning.

Hed Kandi have come along way from doing the back room at Eden at couple of years ago, and Mark would particularly like to express his appreciation to Kaled, the owner of El Divino, and Jason Bull, who hosts a pre-party for Hed Kandi at the Es Vive hotel.

Look out also for one of 30,000-odd compilations that will be distributed free on the island this summer - loads better than your average club flyer.