Appreciation For Behrouz - Las Dalias - Akasha

At Las Dalias - Akasha. A charitable fundraiser for our friend Behrouz.

Dear friend of Akasha and Do Not Sit architect Behrouz, one of the kindest souls in the entire electronic music community, is in ill health and needs our help. Unfortunately, he suffered two significant hemorrhagic strokes within several months of each other earlier this year.

His journey to recovery is long and not without obstacles. As a result of this unforeseen medical trauma, Behrouz is experiencing some common but debilitating side effects and his family is struggling to deal with the financial and mental burden.

Now Akasha has committed to assisting Behrouz and his family with medical bills, related treatments and rehabilitation that are crucial to restoring his health and independence.

Appreciation For Behrouz is a series of fundraisers taking place around the world. The first takes place at La Dalias and Akasha on Thursday 6 October. All the proceeds will go directly to Behrouz and Megan to assist with costs.

Music starts outside from 18:00 with SashaCassy, Guy Laliberté, Anstascia and Sena. From midnight until 05:00, the music moves inside with Bodaishin & BohemIgor Marijuán, Unders and more.

See below for tickets and line-up.

Venue: Las Dalias - Akasha

Appreciation For Behrouz - Latest news

Other Las Dalias - Akasha parties

