Sankeys opening ticket deals

An update on pricing whilst we wait (im)patiently for line-ups...

Until now, tickets to the two-day bender that is Sankeys opening party were only available as a combined ticket at the bargain price of 40€ for both days. Well, snooze you lose, because that deal is done! But the good news is you can now buy tickets to the nights individually at a slightly increased but still totally manageable earlybird price of 49€ for both days, or 29€ for a single day of your choice.

Sankeys' 2015 opening party will take place across Wednesday the 20th and Thursday the 21st of May and feature a Star Wars theme to get involved in - Sankeys Awakens. It's still too early for line-ups, but if you do your homework on previous years you'll be assured of a big, long list of underground talent, featuring Sankeys residents of course but also highly respected guest DJs at the top of their field.

The new earlybird prices will be valid until the end of this month, so get in now to avoid paying more. You wouldn't believe how easily booking your first Ibiza party of the summer can put a spring in your step on the way to work...

PHOTO | Luke Dyson for Sankeys

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