Ibiza Fiesta: Carnaval 2012

Carnaval, or Mardi Gras, is almost upon us.

Carnaval, or Mardi Gras, is almost upon us. The last big fling before Lent is celebrated with days of feasting, fun and fancy dress, before we give all our favourite things up and stay in quarantine until Easter.

Here in Ibiza town there's a week long programme of events from the 16th to 22nd February, and whilst this is the same as in recent years, there's a sign in it of the public spending austerity that government bodies have been forced to adopt because of the economic situation. The formerly free food and drink dished out previously will now have a small, nominal charge, but is still excellent value for money.

logo for ibiza carnaval 2012

So, what's happening when and where?

16/02, 18.00, Vara de Rey – Tortilla (Spanish Omelette) Fiesta with live music. Portion of Tortilla and drink = €1

18/02, 17.00, Military Command – Cart racing down the hill to the Vara de Rey with 'Los Locos del Asfalto.'

18/02, 21.00, Plaza del Parque – Friki Party, pop hits for the youth

19/02, 11.30, Avenida de Santa Eulalia – Carnival parade all around the town to the Vara de Rey followed by 'Arroz de Matanzas' for €2 a portion.

21/02, 17.00, Vara de Rey – Kids' fiesta with costumes, magic and karaoke.

22/02, 20.00, Parque de la paz – 'The Burial of the Sardine,' ceremony, live music and sardine BBQ. Sardines and drink = €1

Don't forget your fancy dress if you're coming along!

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