Melodic duo Adriatique next to get pre-season date at Pacha

The Siamese label bosses present X on Sunday 14 May.

Pacha's secretive roll of fiftieth anniversary plans continues to unravel one piece at a time. Even the early season preamble is shaping up in exquisite fashion. No slow start to see here.

Siamese label bosses Adriatique are the latest to get a pre-season date.

Adriatique presents X takes place on Sunday 14 May, a week before the previously announced keinemusik takeover. The melodic duo are joined by Innellea and Deer Jade.

The two Adrians, Shala and Schweizer, are no strangers to Pacha, nearly always being guests of Solomun +1 during the season. Last summer, they also fronted their own one-off pre-season night and such was the feedback, Pacha felt obligated to get them back again in 2023.

Shrewd move. As big fans ourselves, we couldn't be more thrilled to have the Swiss maestros back.

It certainly adds another feather to Ibiza's early May cap. Those weekends before the summer really starts just keep looking better and better.

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HEADER IMAGE | by Lighuen Desanto

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