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Medieval Festival 2022 makes colourful return to Ibiza Old Town

Middle Ages merriment for all the family!

Ibiza is an island with a rich and varied past and it’s never more alive than during the four-day medieval festival held annually in May. A pageant of sound, aromas and colours, the festival pays tribute to Ibiza's multi-cultural heritage including the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs and Catalans.

It takes place in the winding, atmospheric streets of Ibiza Town's fortified old town, Dalt Vila (a UNESCO world heritage site). The fair is a hugely popular event with locals and holidaymakers coming to enjoy the spectacle and sample the traditional and handicraft products on offer at the market stalls that line the ancient lanes.

And so it was that last Friday, on day two of the festival, an intrepid two-person team from Spotlight Ibiza set out to soak up the vibe on the first occasion it’s been celebrated since 2019. After the long winter months, we were fortunate to be greeted by a glorious spring day: perfect for feudal-era frivolity!

As it’s a long, hot climb to the top, we were only too happy to avail ourselves of the free bus service from the end of Avenida España to the outside of the castle walls. From there, we passed through a winding tunnel that emerged into Cathedral Square. Here we were met with the sight of a somewhat motley crew of Roman soldiers, wandering minstrels, acrobats, and a sinuous belly dancer twirling her stuff.

We wandered down the festively draped streets that grew busier with people of all ages as the afternoon progressed. One thing we discovered is that it’s easy to stumble or slip on the cobbles of Dalt Vila’s steep streets, so mind how you go as you descend and wear sensible shoes, merry pilgrims!

En route, we frequently stopped off to check out the wares at the market stalls, their vendors clad in traditional costume. Typical products included leather goods, handwoven clothes, jewellery, creams, perfumes, potions and soaps. The stallholders are very approachable and love explaining their goods, so don’t be bashful.

Food stalls abound with a wide range of breads, cheeses and sausages including 'sobrasada' (a local speciality) on sale. As for drinks, there’s craft beer, wines, hierbas, homemade lemonade, and mint tea served in the ornate setting of a Moroccan tent (we even came across that perennial medieval tipple, the mojito).

It's a truly inclusive affair with a plethora of fun activities for all the family such as the wrestling contest, a circus, processions and theatrical performances along with examples and demonstrations of all manner of traditional crafts, ranging from leather and metalwork to basket-weaving. Verily, a mix of middle-age merrymaking that will transport you to the Ibiza of bygone days.

Thus, if you ever happen to be in Ibiza this special weekend in May and you’re on the lookout for a fun day for the family, don’t miss Ibiza Medieval, which runs from late morning through almost midnight. It’s the perfect chance to get your medieval on like never before!

Normally the medieval festival takes place on the second weekend in May, find the current dates in our events calendar.

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