Es Paradis delivers opening party extravaganza

A pan-generational affair filled with island royalty.

Despite already being unofficially open for a number of weeks, San Antonio super-club Es Paradis has confirmed details of its lavish opening party.

The official opening ceremony, taking place on Saturday 25 May, combines a hefty dollop of nostalgia with shades of the contemporary, throwing things back, whilst pushing things forward.

A line-up containing DJs from down the decades is fitting on raising the curtain on a club typically Ibizan in aesthetic.

The man widely attributed as responsible for the rise of Ibiza's notoriety, Alfredo is a more-than-qualified headliner. Arguably, the Argentine migrant started the entire movement with his pan-genre early morning sermons at Amnesia - a legend in every sense.

A second example of an island veteran comes in the shape of David Moreno. Originally hailing from Catalonia, Moreno's move to Ibiza coincided with the boom of Balearic Beat. One of the most decorated radio personalities since the mid-80s, he is also part of Ibiza's establishment.

Next, we have the ever-versatile Iban Mendoza. Representing a generation of island DJs who followed two-decades after the originators, it would be incorrect to label Iban up-and-coming. His many years of activity make him a firm island favourite adding further Balearic flair.

Es Paradis resident Steeve Valverde will be on hand to officially usher in Es Paradis' 2019 season, too. Being of Caribbean origin yet also regarding himself as an adopted native, he emphasises the magnetic and cosmopolitan nature of Ibiza.

International but Ibicenco at the same time, the Es Paradis opening has used the opportunity to stay local and showcase authentic home-based talent.

Further support comes from Yor D.

To be a part of this traditional example of an opening party, see below for ticketing and further information.

Es Paradis Opening Party listings - 2025

Es Paradis

Es Paradis Opening Party

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