Ibiza Autumn Craft Fair

If it's September then it must be time for Ibiza's annual Arts and Crafts Fair.

If it's September then it must be time for Ibiza's annual Arts and Crafts Fair the 'Fira Sa Tardor.' Tomorrow, Friday at 20.00 sees the inauguration of the 13th edition of the fair with an exhibition of Ibicenco folk dancing in its usual Vara de Rey setting.

The fair will be open from 11.00 to 14.00 and 18.00 to 23.00 daily from the 12th to 21st September inclusive. Organised by the Association of Artisans of Ibiza, their members will be joined on the 24 stalls by craftsmen from other regions of Spain selling their wares.

You'll find examples of individual and unique craftsmanship in leather, pottery, wood, glass and jewellery on display and on sale which make ideal souvenirs and gifts to take home from your holidays.

And don't forget that the Companatge country wine, bread and sausage stall will be on hand for hungry shoppers!

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