Ibiza Dog Rescue

If you love a good animal story with a happy ending then read on.

If you love a good animal story with a happy ending then read on. This is the story of a dog on a balcony who had obviously been watching too many Buster Keaton films. It seems that the hapless animal wasn't content with its luxury 3ft x 2ft daytime accommodation and decided that it would jump off its 3rd floor balcony, walk along the narrow cornice on the façade, and then jump on to the next balcony which was equally spacious.

Unhappily the dog got its head trapped between the wall of the building and a drainpipe was left with its back legs hanging perilously in mid-air. Fortunately the dog had been seen by passers by who promptly called the fire brigade. When the dog was finally released and brought to safety the, by now, large crowd broke out into rapturous applause. We'd love to know where the dog is now, hopefully in a place of some safety, but it's probably back on the same balcony.