Ibiza Airport News

Every winter for the last few years Ibiza airport has been swarming with construction workers.

Every winter for the last few years Ibiza airport has been swarming with construction workers engaged in a €94 million improvement scheme to provide more comfort and better services. It's been done in the off season so that millions of passengers in summer are not inconvenienced and only see the benefits of the work.

This year the major noticeable difference will be the use of four new fingers – the moving corridors used to board the planes directly from the terminal – though the original plan was for five fingers.

Frequent travellers will have noticed that the airport is much bigger now with much more space in the waiting areas, more shops and eateries, and perhaps more importantly, more check in desks and luggage collection belts. Expanded from 33,000 square metres to 53,000, the airport will easily absorb an extra 10% to 15% more passengers – a figure which appears achievable given the record 5.5 million figure in 2011.

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