Moon Eclipse in Ibiza

A total eclipse of the moon caused by the shadow of the earth.

A total eclipse of the moon caused by the shadow of the earth tomorrow (Wednesday 15th June) can best be seen from our home planet in Ibiza itself.

The National Astronomical Observatory says that the eclipse will be at its peak at 22.14 tomorrow night. The actual total process of the eclipse, including the artial and penumbral phases will last approximately 5 hours and the moon will be blacked out for an hour and 41 minutes.

For amateur astronomers, the great thing about a lunar eclipse, as opposed to a solar one, is that it can be viewed directly with the naked eye. Our Spotlight graphics department has gone to a great deal of time and effort producing this mock up of what the eclipse might look like when viewed directly from below.

total eclipse of the moon

What a great job they've done!

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