Gastro Ibiza: Restaurat Revealed

The final details of San Antonio's third annual gastro-fest 'Restaurat' have now been revealed.

The final details of San Antonio's third annual gastro-fest 'Restaurat' have now been revealed.A total of 18 restaurants in the borough will be providing a three course special menu from 2nd November until 14th December for a mere €13.

lamb in es ventall The majority of the ingredients are sourced locally and cooked in traditional Ibicenco style with a few modern twists thrown in for good measure. (photo, lamb in Es Ventall)

The restaurants are; Es Rebost de Can Prats, Es Mirai, El Quijote, Es Ventall, El Yate, Sa Punta des Moli, S'Avaradero, Sa Creu, Sa Prensa, Hostal Mari, Hostal Tarba, Taberna Cebo, Villa Manchega, Villa Mercedes and Zebra Art and Grill in San Antonio itself, Can Pou, near Cala Salada, and KFE Pizzeria and Sa Creu in San Rafael.

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You can download a PDF with information in Spanish on the menus and opening times of each restaurant which also gives details of the special gourmet meals costing €22 that seven of them are preparing.

Whilst wine is not included in the price, there's a specially selected list of Ibicenco wines from our three main producers, Can Rich, Sa Cova and Can Maymo on sale at economic prices – I paid about €10 for a good bottle of Can Rich in Zebra last year, excellent value!

It's a perfect way to sample a restaurant's fare at a reasonable price – as I did on my inaugural trip to Zebra this time last year – and subsequently return during the rest of the year, so everybody, public and restaurant wins!

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