Earth Festival Ibiza

August is a big month in Ibiza town as the the Patron Saint, San Cyriac's day is celebrated.

August is a big month in Ibiza town as the the Patron Saint, San Cyriac's day is celebrated on the 8th of the month. But it doesn't stop there as every year the council organise concerts and entertainment throughout the whole month which comes under the banner heading of Fiesta de la Tierra or Earth Festival.

As well as this there is also the 'White Nights' programme running and at the end of the month, from 23rd to 27th, the Ibiza Jazz Festival takes place.

Without doubt the main attraction of the Earth Festival is the appearance of Maldita Nerea (photo)at the Recinto Ferial (tickets €12) whose latest release Facil was recently top of the iTunes download chart here in Spain.

maldita nerea

So, here's the full programme

July 31: 18.00, Vara de Rey, traditional Ibicenco crafts and at 19.30, cart parade.
July 31: 20.30, Reina Sofia park, folk dancing and concert by Ressonadors
Aug 04: 22.00, Recinto Ferial, concert by Maldita Nerea, Funambulista and Varry Brava
Aug 05: 23.00, Reina Sofia park, concert by Sergio Dalma
Aug 06: 22.00, Reina Sofia park, concert by Ibiza Symphony Orchestra with dancers
Aug 07: 20.30, Town Hall Cloister, choral concert
Aug 07: 21.30, Reina Sofia park, concert with 4 de Copes, Quin Delibat and Manel
Aug 08: 10.30, Cathedral, concert followed by mass
Aug 08: 20.00, Puig des Molins, Paella for all and concert
Aug 08: 22.00, Sant Pere battlements, concert 'Music in the Castle'
Aug 08: 24.00, Botafoch Dyke, Fireworks display which can be seen from the port and all the way round to Talamanca – book your table in a restaurant well in advance!

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